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General facts

General notes

In view of the relatively small amount of news that comes out of North Korea and the lack of travel brochures, there is a great shortage of information on this tourist destination. Korea Reisedienst sees it as its task to provide as much information as it can. The following notes are therefore intended to answer frequently asked questions, in order to clear up possible misunderstandings before a trip to the DPRK. The notes are based on Korea Reisedienst’s own experience in Korea over a period of 20 years. We would be very pleased to arrange an itinerary for you in accordance with your own wishes and special interests (places to be visited, number of days, tour programmes) and to answer your queries. If you have specific preferences with regard to the geographical areas to be visited or the aspects to be covered, we can pass these on to Pyongyang for processing. The state tour operator will then put together a package offer that meets your wishes, with Beijing as its starting point, and submit it to Korea Reisedienst.





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