About Korea Reisedienst
Korea Reisedienst has maintained friendly links with the Korean state tourism authority in Pyongyang since 1990, and is thus one of the pioneers of travel to the DPRK. Still in the early nineties, Korea Reisedienst was then officially commissioned, on the basis of the numerous visits to the DPRK it had already organised, to assist in promoting tourism: it was granted entitlement to carry out advertising measures and negotiations in the field of tourism on behalf of the tourism authority in Pyongyang, and from then onwards it has played a vital role in building up tourism in the DPRK.
Thanks to its good contacts with numerous institutions in Pyongyang, Korea Tourist Service has the great advantage of being able to arrange journeys of any kind, whether for individual tourists, for group tours or for special journeys. It undertakes, among other things, the tasks of furnishing information about the opportunities to travel to North Korea, supporting tour operators in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States with travel programmes, advising travel agencies, and arranging visas, Air Koryo air tickets and rail tickets to Pyongyang.
Dietmar Horst, Diplom-Geograph, already in the sixties travelling around the world, first with his parents, later as student of Geography, Geology and Cartography, then as manager of tourism companies and municipal tourist and congress tourism board. He knows the "most beautiful and interesting places in the world"- is interested in Geopolitics, Architecture, History of Technical Science and Transport, a real "old school" specialist for planning tours with unique and rare to find "highlights".
What is special about Korea Reisedienst is the personal advice, the good service and the individual “tailoring” of your stay in the DPRK. That is why no standard travel programmes are set out on this website: an individual programme in the DPRK is compiled in response to every enquiry.
We work on behalf of individual travellers and groups: students, tourists with an interest in Korean history and culture, academics, politicians and representatives of business, business federations and the arts choose us to arrange their journeys to the DPRK.
We highly recommend to visit the homepage of our cooperation partner "Pakzad-Reisen" - www.pakzad-reisen.de - very interesting tours with same "travel philosophy" - we are plannig more toursin the near future.
Contact your Korea Reisedienst: we will be very pleased to advise you. We thank you for your interest: please feel free to approach us with your queries at any time.